
Group Therapy

I’m known as “The Cheerleader Lady” (because I’m on TV, people recognize me, yet they aren’t exactly sure who I am…Curious folks will stare long enough to get up the courage and ask the question I’ve grown to anticipate…”Aren’t you that Cheerleader Lady?”. Guess that makes me a “C” list celebrity…or a “DDD” list celebrity if we’re using bra sizes.

I used to cringe when the only identity I had was that of a “Cheerleader”, but my journey through life has allowed me to embrace it. People always ask the overused phrase “How do you Want to be remembered?” My answer to that has become crystal clear. I hope I’m remembered as someone who lifted spirits and cheered people on to be the best they could be.

I preach to the girls to live in the faith that the whole world is on their side, as long as the are true to the best that is in them.

This blog will give me an outlet…to be less filtered, less perfect, and less “tough” (except when I poke fun of TV Awards Shows) This blog is my answer to Group Therapy for Women (gay guys welcome!)

I thrive on interaction and feedback of people. I’ve often been told I have a very “diverse” collection of friends. I can’t wait to write about the crazy cast of characters in my life from my gay bff in Hollywood who is a makeup artist, to my dog groomer who drives and bathes dogs in a purple van, to my grandmother who is now in heaven.

If you’ve come to this blog to see Perfection, Poise, and Power…you are in the wrong place. If you want to laugh and cry out loud with me, Welcome to the Cheerleader Lady!!!

On the rare days my teenage daughter tolerates me, she will guide me on the cosmetic and technical aspects of “blogging” and eventually it will look professional. I’m living in the faith that the whole world is on my side, and promise to be true to the best that is in me.


2 thoughts on “Group Therapy

  1. Helen Peck says:

    Hey Kelli, I enjoyed reading this and I look forward to following your blog. BTW, nice article in Forbes….. a great testament to your (and Judy’s) leadership and management skills.

  2. Rebecca says:

    I stumbled across your blog accidentally, and had to comment that it is a breath of fresh air. I guess I expected it to be an extension, in writing, of the DCC Cheerleaders & the reality show, lots of rah-rah, mixed with tough love & cosmetics. I kept reading because of you, Kelli. You’ve always interested me because you seem to be an intelligent, well-spoken & together individual. I’ve often wondered if the DCC cheerleaders are your entire life, and right away, in this blog, you let me know there’s more to you than meets the eye on television – lots more. I’m interested enough to say, I’ll keep reading. I want to know what you’ve got to say about some of the bigger things in life & how you approach life in general. Also, big congrats on the article in Forbes!! The compliments handed out in the article reflect directly back to you – it’s your management style that gets the gold stars!!

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